We believe that reproducible measurement of physical quantities associated with living cells can provide novel insight into single-cell physiology. Specifically, we develop optical technologies for quantitative assessment of how living cells regulate the mass, volume, and flux of protein, lipid, water, and metabolites. Such continuous quantitative parameters require regulatory mechanisms that are different from on-off switches. We aim to understand the biological and biophysical nature of these controls at the single-cell level and utilize them to advance human health.
Research Gallery
​2020 - 2023
A. Mukherjee, Y. Huang, S. Oh, C. Sanchez, Y.-F. Chang, X. Liu, G. A. Bradshaw, N. C. Benites, J. Paulsson, M. W. Kirschner, Y. Sung, J. Elgeti, M. Basan, Cell wall fluidization by mechano-endopeptidases sets up a turgor-mediated volumetric pacemaker. bioRxiv 2023.08.31.555748; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.08.31.555748 (2023)
X. Liu, M. Moscvin, S. Oh, et al. Characterizing dry mass and volume changes in human multiple myeloma cells upon treatment with proteotoxic and genotoxic drugs. Clin. Exp. Med. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10238-023-01124-y (2023).
X. Liu*, S. Oh*, M. W. Kirschner, The uniformity and stability of cellular mass density in mammalian cell culture. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 10:1017499 (2022). (*co-first authors)
*S. Oh, *C. Lee, W. Yang, A. Li, C. Ran, W. Yin, C. J. Tabin, D. Fu, X. S. Xie, M. W. Kirschner, Protein and lipid mass concentration measurement in tissues by stimulated Raman scattering. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 119 (17) e2117938119 (2022). (*co-first authors)
X. Liu, M. Moscvin, S. Oh, T. Chen, W. Choi, B. Evans, S. M. Rowell, O. Nadeem, C. C. Mo, A. S. Sperling, K. C. Anderson, Z. Yaqoob, G. Bianchi, Y. Sung, Characterizing dry mass and volume changes in human multiple myeloma cells upon treatment with proteotoxic and genotoxic drugs. bioRxiv 2022.03.18.484926; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.03.18.484926 (2022)
S. Schink, M. Polk, E. Athaide1, A. Mukherjee, C. Ammar, X. Liu, S. Oh, Y.-F. Chang, M. Basan, The energy requirements of ion homeostasis determine the lifespan of starving bacteria. bioRxiv 2021.11.22.469587; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.11.22.469587 (2021).
X. Liu, S. Oh, L. Peshkin, M. W. Kirschner, Computationally enhanced quantitative phase microscopy reveals autonomous oscillations in mammalian cell growth. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 117, 27388 (2020).
2013 - 2017
S. Son, J. H. Kang, S. Oh, M. W. Kirschner, T. J. Mitchison, S. Manalis, Resonant microchannel volume and mass measurements show that suspended cells swell during mitosis. J. Cell Biol. 211, 757–763 (2015).
R. Kafri, J. Levy, M. B. Ginzberg, S. Oh, G. Lahav, M. W. Kirschner, Dynamics extracted from fixed cells reveal feedback linking cell growth to cell cycle. Nature. 494, 480–3 (2013).
Y. Sung, A. Tzur, S. Oh, W. Choi, V. Li, R. R. Dasari, Z. Yaqoob, M. W. Kirschner, Size homeostasis in adherent cells studied by synthetic phase microscopy. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 110, 16687–16692 (2013).
*K. L. Cooper, *S. Oh, Y. Sung, R. R. Dasari, M. W. Kirschner, C. J. Tabin, Multiple phases of chondrocyte enlargement underlie differences in skeletal proportions. Nature. 495, 375–378 (2013). (*co-first authors)
2007 - 2012
S. Oh, C. Fang-Yen, W. Choi, Z. Yaqoob, D. Fu, Y. Park, R. R. Dassari, M. S. Feld, Label-free imaging of membrane potential using membrane electromotility. Biophys. J. 103, 11–18 (2012).
D. Fu, S. Oh, W. Choi, T. Yamauchi, A. Dorn, Z. Yaqoob, R. R. Dasari, M. S. Feld, Quantitative DIC microscopy using an off-axis self-interference approach. Opt. Lett. 35, 2370 (2010).
Z. Yaqoob, W. Choi, S. Oh, N. Lue, Y. Park, C. Fang-Yen, R. R. Dasari, K. Badizadegan, M. S. Feld, Improved phase sensitivity in spectral domain phase microscopy using line-field illumination and self phase-referencing. Opt. Express. 17, 10681 (2009).
D. Fu, W. Choi, Y. Sung, S. Oh, Z. Yaqoob, Y. Park, R. R. Dasari, M. S. Feld, Ultraviolet refractometry using field-based light scattering spectroscopy. Opt. Express. 17, 18878 (2009).
C. Fang-Yen, S. Oh, Y. Park, W. Choi, S. Song, H. S. Seung, R. R. Dasari, M. S. Feld, Imaging voltage-dependent cell motions with heterodyne Mach-Zehnder phase microscopy. Opt. Lett. 32, 1572 (2007).
W. Choi, C. Fang-Yen, K. Badizadegan, S. Oh, N. Lue, R. R. Dasari, M. S. Feld, Tomographic phase microscopy. Nat. Methods. 4, 717–719 (2007).
​2004 - 2005
J. Lee, J. Chae, C. K. Kim, H. Kim, S. Oh, Y. Kuk, Versatile low-temperature atomic force microscope with in situ piezomotor controls, charge-coupled device vision, and tip-gated transport measurement capability. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76, 93701 (2005).
Y.-W. Son, S. Oh, J. Ihm, S. Han, Field emission properties of double-wall carbon nanotubes. Nanotechnology. 16, 125 (2004).